A growth culture encourages learning to build experts and inspires people for a long-term impact.

A growth culture thrives where:

  • People have a growth mindset

  • Pragmatic processes foster continuous learning

  • Tools drive alignment through shared mental models

As teams grow, they evolve through three phases. Each is a major inflection point for the individuals, the team, and the organization.

Focused Team

A Unified and High Performing Team that lives and breaths their customer’s problems and opportunities with single-minded passion and reliance on evidence from customer activities.

High Performing Team

A Unified Team elevating their operating practices so they do the right things and do things right to achieve their shared vision.

Unified Team

A team that (really) works together and shares a vision and desired outcomes, being accountable to one another for work that moves towards those common goals.


A growth culture ultimately outperforms a performance culture.